Top 10


10 biggest cities in Peru

#10 - Cusco at 312,140 people

#9 - Chimbote at 316,966 people

#8 - Piura at 325,466 people

#7 - Huancayo at 376,657 people

#6 - Iquitos at 437,620 people

#5 - Chiclayo at 577,375 people

#4 - Trujillo at 747,450 people

#3 - Callao at 813,264 people 

#2 - Arequipa at 841,130 people

#1 - Lima at 7,737,002 people

10 most common names of girls in America

#10 - Harper with 8,778 girls named that in 2020

#9 - Evelyn with 9,445 girls named that in 2020

#8 - Mia with 11,157 girls named that in 2020

#7 - Isabelle with 12,066 girls named that in 2020

#6 - Amelia with 12,704 girls named that in 2020

#5 - Sophia with 12,976 girls named that in 2020

#4 - Charlotte with 13,003 girls named that in 2020

#3 - Ava with 13,084 girls named that in 2020

#2 - Emma with 15,581 girls named that in 2020

#1 - Olivia with 17,535 girls named that in 2020

10 most visited UNESCO World Heritage Sites

#10 - Versailles with roughly 7.5 million tourists a year

#9 - The Par Force Hunting Landscape with roughly 7.8 million tourists a year

#8 - The Taj Mahal with roughly 8 million tourists a year

#7 - The Sydney Opera House with roughly 8 million tourists a year

#6 - The Banks of the Seine with roughly 8.1 million tourists a year

#5 - Gyeongju with roughly 9 million tourists a year

#4 - The Great Wall of China with roughly 10 million tourists a year

#3 - The Great Smoky Mountains with roughly 11 million tourists a year

#2 - Kulangsu with rougly 12.4 million tourists a year

#1 - The Forbidden City with roughly 14 million tourists a year

Five topics are listed below. Please leave a comment including the three you want to see next

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10 richest women alive

10 biggest desserts in Afro-Eurasia

10 war with the most casualties (since the 20th century)

10 biggest car companies (worldwide)

Level 43
Mar 19, 2022
Chiclayo: *happy AlexThirkell noises*

Car companies and deserts

Level 60
Mar 19, 2022
Another great one! MLB, Deserts, and car companies.