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# of Blogs | 17 |
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Guess who's back? Back again.
This blog updates every time I have new info for you guys
This is a new blog series called "A story by a six year old" and you can probably guess, this a blog series about stories by six year old's.
This is the first blog in the series so, I hope you like it.
Come see this blog to see some cool fun facts about the universe!
Facts given to me by Quizzer218232
Here are some riddles given to me by Quizzer218232!
I had permission to do this from Quizzer218232.
I visited the first home page of JetPunk, here is what I saw and found.
Today I woke up and noticed something INCREDIBLE about my stats...
(This blogs includes things/facts about me)
My top 10 favorite quizzes.
2 months ago I made my first quiz called "Fast Easy Math" made I on November 2, 2020 and from there kept making quizzes, since then many things have changed and lots of gossip has been going around on this sight, here is everything I have heard, what I have done and what has changed and other news and things like that.
Please read the whole thing, thanks ;)
Let's find out if you really know Google by looking at these 19 crazy facts you probably didn't know about Google!
Thomas Jefferson the third president we all love and we all definitely think we know him but, do we actually?
Part 3
Everyone thinks they know everything about John Adams but he has a lot kept secret that not many people know.
Part 2
He's america's first president and we think we all know him but in reality his life is complicated just like ours.
Part 1
Here are 3 awesome facts about each planet!
Don't Forget to be Nice! ❤️
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