ThinkTank Riddles - Answers



Here is the blog containing the answers to the ten riddles in my last blog, ThinkTank Riddles. Congratulations to everyone who managed to get the answers correct!

Question #1

How many holes does a straw have?

The answer is : one. One hole, all the way through. Imagine a donut, one hole, right? Well, a straw is basically the same shape as an extremely elongated donut.

Question #2

How can you stand behind your father when your father is standing behind you? 

You stand back-to-back. 

Question #3

What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

The letter M. 
1 = Minute
 2 = Moment
0 = Thousand Years

Question #4

There was a man, dressed head to toe in black, walking in the middle of the road. Suddenly a huge black car with its headlights off zoomed around the corner and screeched to a halt in order to not hit the man in black.  How on Earth did the driver of the black car see the man dressed in black?

It was daytime. 

Question #5

What has a ring but no finger?

A doorbell or a telephone.

Question #6

What is white when it's dirty?

A blackboard.

Question #7

Once there was a rich man who lived in a mansion. On the top floor of the mansion there was three rooms. In one room the man kept gold, in another money, and another precious gems. One night, an arsonist set the mansion on fire. Which of the three rooms did the police extinguish first?

None of them. The firefighters extinguish fires, not the police. 

Question #8

What has thirteen hearts and no other organs?

A deck of playing cards. 

Question #9

In a faraway kingdom, a criminal was sentenced to imprisonment in one of the four dungeons of torture. The dungeon-master told the criminal that if he chose the right dungeon, he would live. Otherwise, he would die. His choices were: The dungeon of fire, a  roaring furnace that burned day and night; The dungeon of tigers, where there are hoards of tigers that have not eaten for a year; the dungeon of vipers, an enormous pit full of snakes; or the dungeon of scorpions, where violent scorpions scuttled over everyone and everything. Which dungeon should the criminal choose?

The dungeon of tigers. After being starved for a year, the tigers would be stone-dead.

Question #10

What gets sharper the more you use it?

Your mind. 

Ending Comments

Well, there you have it, all the answers to my ten riddles. Many of you had got these solved almost immediately, great work to all those who did!  Oh and I am definitely making more of these! Thanks for reading!

Level 60
Dec 14, 2021
So it seems the JetPunk community is just to smart
Level 59
Dec 14, 2021
although aren't the greatest in the grammar field. :)
Level 65
Dec 14, 2021


Level 73
Dec 14, 2021
I disagree with the first answer. Going by that logic, a cuboid (6 faces, 12 edges) can be compressed into a quadrilateral (1 face and 4 sides). Are they equivalent?
Level 65
Dec 14, 2021
But if there were a hole a through the square and cuboid, it would be one hole right? One would be a longer hole, but both would be holes. So this isn't about the straw and donut being the same, but the holes being the same.
Level 75
Dec 14, 2021
Well the last line in that answer wasn't accurate but you missed the point. What Thread said here is right ^
Level 75
Dec 14, 2021
I thought it was gonna be a blog talking about the dark side of humanity or something
Level 65
Dec 16, 2021
Actually there are 81 hearts on a deck of playing cards.

(1+2+3....+10) +13*2 (the hearts under the number of the card)

Level 56
Jan 2, 2022
I mean technically a straw has 2 holes.....

one at the top and one at the bottom

Level 60
Jan 24, 2022
But they connect
Level 56
Feb 3, 2022
but there are literally 2 spots where the straw has holes in it