Empire Blog | Apostolic Armenian Empire
First published: Friday December 2nd, 2022
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This is for the future when the AAE gains independence.
General Information
Leader: NickelztheYako
Capital: Yerevan
Area: ~38,416 km2 (~23,871 mi2)
Population: 3,386,714
Population Density: 88.16 people per square kilometer, or 141.88 people per square mile
Countries Included: Armenia, Azerbaijan (Artsakh, Nakhchivan)
Border Countries: Macedonian Empire, Blaze Empire
Allies: Pentente and Pentente-influenced empires. Currently seeking friendly relations with Svalbard after the cessation of the war.
Enemies: None currently.
Government: Constitutional monarchy, attempting to transform into a parliamentary republic.
Ideology: Liberal (higher personal freedom, lower economic freedom)
Official Languages: Armenian, Yakovian
Citizenship Requirements:
1. Live in AAE for six years
2. Be fluent in Armenian OR Yakovian
3. Get at least a 75% on a test about Armenian culture and history
People who are 95-100% Armenian by heritage get instant citizenship
Industries: Mining, agriculture, manufacturing
Exports: Gold, rose oil
Currency: Armenian drams
GDP: 51.86 billion USD (20.2 trillion drams)
GDP per capita: $15,312.68 (5,963,949 drams)
Military force: 69,800 active, 240,000 reserves
Calling code: +79
HDI: 0.739 (high, equivalent to Mongolia)
National Sport: baseball
National Food: boregs, lavash, ghapama, raspberry tart with rose oil
Driving Side: right
National Motto: "Aprir aysorva hamar aynpes, inch’pes vaghy kmerrnes."
Demonym: Armenian
Floral Emblems: Forget-me-not
Faunal Emblem: Barbary eagle, Barbary lion
Largest Cities:
1. Yerevan (1,084,000)
2. Gyumri (112,400)
3. Nakhchivan (85,700)
4. Vanadzor (77,200)
5. Stepanakert (55,200)
Christianity: 89%
Islam: 10%
Other: <1%
First Level Subdivisions:
11 divisions and 2 autonomous territories
Division (Capital)
1. Syunik (Kapan)
2. Gegharkunik (Gavar)
3. Armavir (Armavir)
4. Aragatsotn (Ashtarak)
5. Ararat (Artashat)
6. Tavush (Ijevan)
7. Shirak (Gyumri)
8. Kotayk (Hrazdan)
9. Yerevan (n/a)
10. Lori (Vanadzor)
11. Vayots Dzor (Yeghegnadzor)
12. Nakhchivan Autonomous Territory (Nakhchivan)
13. Artsakh Autonomous Territory (Stepanakert)
Territorial Ambitions:
The Russian republics of Krasnodar, Adygey, Dagestan, North Ossetia, and Ingushetia.
Any significantly Armenian land.
National Holidays:
January 1 - New Years Day
September 8 - Yako Day
September 21 - Armenia Day
November 1 - Bolor srberi ory (All Saints Day)
November 19 - Armenian-Veggie Friendship Day
December 25 - Christmas
Yakovian is a fake language named after me I made for my empire.
Basic information about Yakovian:
It is a Romance language that is greatly influenced by Spanish in verb conjugation.
Alphabet: a, æ, å, b, c, ç, d, dž, e, f, g, gh, h, i, j, k, l, ll, m, n, ń, o, ø, p, q, r, s, š, t, u, ü, v, w, x, y, z, ž
Muradyani Language:
1 (one) = chyarme (she-ARRRm)
2 (two) = ramá (rom-MAAH)
3 (three) = bëkowa (beh-koh-vah)
4 (four) = vulla (voo-shah)
5 (five) = qíba (KEE-bah)
6 (six) = éga (EH-ga)
7 (seven) = džezh (dzzz-ezhhh)
8 (eight) = sambø (sahm-buoy)
9 (nine) = täxä (tah-kha) (-kh- is pronounced as a very nasal hiss, like if you were coughing up mucus)
10 (ten) = bóffa (BOH-ffah)
11 (eleven) = bóffachyarme (BOH-fah-she-arm)
12 (twelve) = bóffarama (BOH-fah-rah-mah)
13 (thirteen) = bóffabekowa (BOH-fah-beck-oh-vah)
14 (fourteen) = bóffavulla (BOH-fah-voo-lah)
15 (fifteen) = bóffaqiba (BOH-fah-kee-bah)
16 (sixteen) = bóffega (BOH-fay-ga)
17 (seventeen) = bóffadžezh (BOH-fah-dzzz-ezhhh)
18 (eighteen) = bóffasambø (BOH-fah-sahm-buoy)
19 (nineteen) = bóffatäxä (BOH-fah-tah-kha)
20 (twenty) = dobóffa
(for 21–99 just add the tens place and add the name of the second number)
30 (thirty) = gør (guoyer)
40 (forty) = khanga (khahn-gah)
50 (fifty) = zöd (zod)
60 (sixty) = bydo (bid-doh)
70 (seventy) = típja (TEEP-yah)
80 (eighty) = gÿza (gee-zah)
90 (ninety) = vajmen (v[I]-men) ([I] as in “iceberg”)
100 (one hundred) = kraj (cry)
200 (two hundred) = bajrama
300 (three hundred) = bajbekowa
400 (four hundred) = bajvulla
500 (five hundred) = bajqiba
600 (six hundred) = bajga
700 (seven hundred) = bajzh
800 (eight hundred) = bajsambø
900 (nine hundred) = bajtaxa
1000 (one thousand) = sykl (sickle)
10000 (ten thousand) = bóffasykl (BOH-fah-sih-ckle)
100000 (one hundred thousand) = krajsykl (cry-sick-le)
1000000 (one million) = faqa (fock-kuh)
10000000 (ten million) = bóffaqa (BOH-fah-kah)
100000000 (one hundred million) = bajfaqa (by-fock-kah)
1000000000 (one billion) = zaú (zah-OO)
Other Words
abuse: = ˈkoqat (coak-kott)
achieve, accomplish, work (have desired result) = zöx (zokh)
acquire: üka (ooh-kah)
action (movement) : göˈbydo (goh-bid-doh)
actually : pÿq (peak)
affect, influence, persuade : pëm (pehm)
alcohol : pug (puggh)
already : ïz (eez)
antique : çanve (shawn-vay)
appearance (act of appearing) : wödo (woh-doh)
apple : qux (qukh)
arm, wing, branch (tree part) : lü (loo)
army : hidfo (hidd-foe)
ash, coal : chÿú (chee-OO)
attack, assault : zanzab (zann-zahb)
barely, merely, hardly : gät (got)
bark (of tree) : zuç (zoosh)
bend, fold, lean : yç (ish)
between : pis (piss)
big, great (very large), huge, massive, enormous, heavy : zaz (zazz)
bleed : wotyp (votip)
bottom (lowest part), buttocks : wac (vock)
bow (weapon) : kïg (keegh)
bowl, cup : rud (rude)
bread : monvy (monn-vee)
broken : ˈsuxa (su-kha)
build, construct, erect, produce (manufacture) : rax (rakh)
by (using the means of), by (using a route) : we (veh)
cabinet, drawer : sup (soup)
call (refer to by name) : v = söb
candy : n = ˈmazdi
cat : n = muq
catch, arrest : v = ˈnisdid
certainly : adv = ˈnötïp
chain : n = wïh
chance, odds : n = läx
chase : v = ˈkagyp
choose, select : v = jigˈnahres
clock : n = nub
comfortable : adj = çöˈsady
condition (requirement, stipulation) : re (reh)
control : n = ˈçafa (shafa)
copyright : jax’foz (jakh-fohz)
country (nation), state (province, country) : ho (hoe)
country (rural area) : lïx (leekh)
crawl : xaz (khazz)
cream : n = suˈtuzöd (soo-tuh-zod)
cup : n = kec (keck)
dagger : n = aç’möd (ash-mode)
dance : v = ˈjazdë (yoz-deh)
decade : fu (foo)
defense : qaˈhydo (kah-hee-doh)
delicious : xiz (kheez)
dirty : gÿˈzady (gih-zah-dee)
discover : ˈjanniz (yawn-knees)
discussion : räˈçydo (rash-shee-dough)
distance, range, gap : pymü (pee-muh)
dog : wum (wimm)
drag : paˈjabbä (pah-hah-bah)
dress : ˈjenïh (hen-knee)
dust, powder : ˈjydgÿz
easy, simple : fog
eat : v = syb
end : n = rïc
enough : det = läç
establish : v = pax
evening : n = mÿp
ever : ëz (ezz)
every, each : det = ˈçide (shee-deh)
excellent, fantastic, wonderful, fabulous, terrific, superb : hud (hood)
excite, inspire : wub (woob)
excrement, shit, sewage : züc (zuck)
expensive : adj = seˈbady (se-bah-dee)
explain, discuss : v = ˈbyrjy (beer-yee)
expression (look on someone's face) : öxiqaba (oehkh-ee-kah-bah) (this could be “EGH” it’s essentially the sound you make when you are disgusted by something)
fact : kÿx (kikh)
fat, big : ro (row)
field, farm, country (rural area), pasture: baç (bash)
fish : ˈsilos (sill-loes)
fix, mend, repair, recover : zoç (zoesh)
floor, ground, bottom (lowest part) : näh (naa)
follow, stalk : pü (poo)
footprint : kü’çir (koo-shurr)
for: jager
former : ˈpocsa (pock-sah)
freeze : xanˈzaü (khan-zao)
future : çym’se (shim-seh)
give, let, allow, deliver, present, provide, cater : ˈçobde (shob-deh)
gold : ˈringi (ring-gee)
grind : kur (core)
growth : iˈcydo (ee-sie-doe)
guest : soç (soesh)
guide : ˈnanvü (nan-voo)
hag (old woman) : sët (sett)
hill : ˈjuspat (hoose-pot)
hope, wish : rÿr (reer)
honest : jonezz
horse : hoz (hose)
house : fur (four)
huge : cïg (seeg)
humor, wit :luˈïgnam (lu-eeg-nom)
hunger : qed (ked)
hurt, injure : ˈhetdä (het-dah)
identify, point out : bop (bopp)
if : a (ah)
improve : qÿp (keep)
increase, expand, exacerbate : nïm (neem)
judge : rab (rabb)
keep (not return) : gïm (geem)
kick : ˈmixsä (mikh-sah)
king : ˈnunme (noon-meh)
knot : nut (nutt)
lamp : ˈnëkrap (nikk-rahp)
letter (written document) : ˈepxur (epp-khoor)
lie : ˈhypwas (hipp-vass)
life (living organism) : ja (yah)
like : sjo (syo)
like, enjoy : wo (voe)
line, column : beh
linen, fabric, textile : ˈjörpe (yore-pah)
lock : üp (oop)
long : nÿh (knee)
look, read : ce (see)
lucky : ˈqodu (kode-doo)
magazine : hëb (hebb)
man : ba (bah)
many : jo (yoh)
matter : xïc (kheek)
medical : feˈpixab (feh-pikh-khab)
meet, find, encounter : ˈxudxi (khud-khi)
middle : köz (kozz)
million : faqa (fock-kuh)
mistake, error, defect : ˈpïkja (peek-yuh)
moan : zïx (zeekh)
moisture : ˈqeçu (kesh-shu)
most : çyg (shig)
neat, fine (okay) : cyq (kik)
nerve : zer (zair)
no: gø
nod : ˈadvis (add-vees)
noise : roˈmaxuh (roh-makh-uh)
none : gac (gack)
nose, beak : naç (nash)
off : bu (boo)
offensive : ˈjyqyr (hik-kurr)
old, antique : myz (mizz)
one : ˈcarme (karr-meh)
only : kob (kobb)
oven : ˈpezap (pez-zopp)
owner : ˈsidis (see-dees)
paint : gÿl (gill)
paper, contract : ríz (reez)
percent : lús (loos)
plausible : poq (pock)
play (stage play) : sÿg (sigg)
politician : ˈkëçis (kee-shis)
prepare, assemble, brace : ˈotdö (ott-doe)
profit : haq (hock)
promise : ˈsöi (so-ee)
public : çë (shee)
queen : qała (kah-wah)
question : ˈfimyx (fee-mikh)
rare : byg (bigg)
receive, collect, accumulate : am (omm)
recognize : fëx (feekh)
resource : ˈïxne (eekh-neh)
response : ˌsajdyˈcydo (sye-dee-sih-doh)
reverse : nodˈxapyp (nohd-khah-peep)
reward, award, prize, medal : ˈxënvä (kheen-vah)
rod, shaft, bar, cylinder, pole, axle : faj (fai)
room (of house) : kel (kell)
sadness : ˈzatu (zah-too)
screw : mäg (mogg)
service : ˌxyrxuˈbydo (kheer-khoo-bee-do)
show, demonstrate, present : cojke (koy-keh)
sister : ˈkäxno (kakh-noh)
skirt : päs (poss)
slope, slant : niç (neesh)
song : gaqqa (gah-kah)
source, well : lox (lookh)
souvenir : wüp’xa (whoop-khah)
species : ˈwämu (va-moo)
spell : xöq (HHH-ook)
star, celebrity : pëc (peick)
start, beginning : xu (khu)
station (railroad, bus) : ÿlumda (ee-loom-dah)
stick : ˈwerxi (vair-khi)
stiff, sturdy : beç (bish)
stubborn : ˈlyta (lit-tah)
surprise, astonish, startle : nac (nock)
swallow : qap (kapp)
that : çö (shoh)
there : qop (kopp)
think, consider, expect, analyze, ponder, predict : içe (eesh-eh)
third : sal (soll)
this : sa (sah)
throne : kaç (kosh)
tie : ˈcyjniz (sihj-neez)
tomorrow : zaqid (zah-keed)
tooth, beak : xäh (khah)
town, population, village : müh (mu-ehh)
trader : ˈöbis (oab-eese)
transport : ˈkipvu (kipp-voo)
tread, step on : qïl (kill)
treatment : faˈsudo (fah-soo-do)
unless : rvÿy (urr-vy-ih)
visit : ceq (sick)
waste : gü (gyeuh)
weapon : cad (cod)
well : sïs (sais)
wine : ˈpüwa (peuuh-vah)
wolf : jēd (yeed)
wonder : sus (sooss)
wood : geç (gesh)
world, sphere, planet : çaū (shah-yoo)
wound (injury) : sag
yes : në (neh)
yet : ˈsënut (seh-noot)
young : nøt (nu-it)
Nouns have four cases:
Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
Dative is the recipient of something: man gives ball to dog.
Rule for verbs:
Present Tense:
-remove the ending and add the new ending)
when using “I” (uva) add -am/-em/-im to the end of the word.
when using “you” (paba) add -az/-ez/-iz to the end of the word.
when using “he/she/it” (qo/qa/qe) add -amaz/-emaz/-imaz to the end of the word.
when using “we” (ruloka) add -akaz/-akez/-akiz to the end of the word.
when using “you all” (doloka) add -ujaz/-ujez/-ujiz to the end of the word.
when using “they” (nirqaba) add -atro/-etro/-itro to the end of the word.
Past Tense:
when using “I” (uva) add -avada/-aveda/-avida to the end of the word.
when using “you” (paba) add -apabada/-apebada/-apibada to the end of the word.
when using “he/she/it” (qo/qa/qe) add -abada/-abeda/-abida to the end of the word.
when using “we” (ruloka) add -akada/-akeda/-akida to the end of the word.
when using “you all” (doloka) add -ujazda/-ujezda/-ujizda to the end of the word.
when using “they” (nirqaba) add -atrapoda/-atrepoda/-atripoda to the end of the word.
(the endings can be -az, -ez, or -iz)
(the words in parenthesis are the words conjugated for I, you, he/she/it, we, you all, they, in that order.) (present tense)
to act (aqtez) - (aqtem, aqtorez, aqtemaz, aqtakez, aqtujez, aqtetro)
to answer - (arqumbraz) (arqumbram, arqumbroraz, arqumbramaz, arqumbrakaz, arqumbrujaz, arqumbratro)
to approve - (apovaz) (apovam, apovoraz, apovamaz, apovakaz, apovujaz, apovatro)
to arrange - (arganez) (arganem, arganorez, arganemaz, arganakez, arganujez, arganetro)
to be - (sabez) (sabem, sabenorez, sabenemaz, sabenakez, sabanujez, sabenetro)
to break - (confraqtez) (confraqtem, confraqtorez, confraqtemaz, confraqtakez, confraqtujez, confraqtetro)
to build - (construiz) (construim, construoriz, construimaz, construakiz, construjiz, construitro)
to buy - (emptez) (emptem, emptorez, emptemaz, emptakez, emptujez, emptetro)
to coach - (rajdaz) (rajdam, rajdoraz, rajdamaz, rajdakaz, rajdujaz, rajdatro)
to color - (lanuiz) (lanuim, lanuoriz, lanuimaz, lanuakiz, lanujiz, lanuitro)
to cough - (tuzziz) (tuzzim, tuzzoriz, tuzzimaz, tuzzakiz, tuzzujiz, tuzzitro)
to create - (craz) (craam, croraaz, craamaz, craakaz, craujaz, craatro)
to complete - (completaz) (completam, completoraz, completamaz, completakaz, completujaz, completatro)
to cry (clamarez) - (clamarem, clamarorez, clamaremaz, clamarakez, clamarujez, clamaretro)
to dance (saltez) - (saltem, saltorez, saltemaz, saltakez, saltujez, saltetro)
to describe (varnaz) - (varnam, varnoraz, varnamaz, varnakez, varnujaz, varnatro)
to draw (hauriz) - (haurim, hauroriz, haurimaz, haurakiz, haurujiz, hauritro)
to drink (biberez) - (biberem, biberorez, biberemaz, biberakez, biberujez, bibetro)
to eat (manduqez) - (manduqem, manduqorez, manduqemaz, manduqakez, manduqujez, manduqetro)
to edit (redaz) - (redam, redoraz, redamaz, redakez, redujaz, redatro)
to enter (intraz) - (intram, introraz, intramaz, intrakez, intrujaz, intratro)
to exit (eqdaz) - (eqdam, eqdoraz, eqdamaz, eqdakaz, eqdujaz, eqdatro)
to imitate (imitatez) - (imitatem, imitatorez, imitatemaz, imitatakez, imitatujez, imitatetro)
to invent (fecitaz) - (fecitam, fecitoraz, fecitamaz, fecitakez, fecitujaz, fecitatro)
to jump (seqiz) - (seqim, seqoriz, seqimaz, seqakiz, sequjiz, seqitro)
to laugh (ridez) - (ridem, ridorez, ridemaz, ridakez, ridujez, ridetro)
to lie (mendaciz) - (the word in bold indicates that the c is pronounced like in cat, and italics indicates that c is pronounced like in cinder) (mendacim, mendacoriz, mendacimaz, mendacakiz, mendacujiz, mendacitro)
to listen (audiz) - (audim, audoriz, audimaz, audakiz, audujiz, auditro)
to paint (pinxerez) - (pinxerem, pinxerorez, pinxeremaz, pinxerakez, pinxerujez, pinxeretro)
to plan (consiliez) - (consiliem, consiliorez, consiliemaz, consiliakez, consiliujez, consilietro)
to play (luderez) - (luderem, luderorez, luderemaz, luderakez, luderujez, luderetro)
to read (legerez) - (legerem, legerorez, legeremaz, legerakez, legerujez, legeretro)
to replace (reponerez) - (reponerem, reponerorez, reponeremaz, reponerakez, reponerujez, reponeretro)
to run (currez) - (currem, currorez, curremaz, currakez, currujez, curretro)
to scream (clamaz) - (clamam, clamoraz, clamamaz, clamakaz, clamujaz, clamatro)
to see (viderez) - (viderem, viderorez, videremaz, viderakez, viderujez, videretro)
to shop (omoriz) - (omorim, omororiz, omorimaz, omorakiz, omorujiz, omoritro)
to shout (voçiferaz) - (voçiferam, voçiferoraz, voçiferamaz, voçiferakaz, voçiferujaz, voçiferatro)
to sing (qantaz) - (qantam, qantoraz, qantamaz, qantakaz, qantujaz, qantatro)
to skip (guzarez) - (guzarem, guzarorez, guzaremaz, guzarakez, guzarujez, guzaretro)
to sleep (somniz) - (somnim, somnoriz, somnimaz, somnakiz, somnujiz, somnitro)
to sneeze (fombrez) - (fombrem, fombrorez, fombremaz, fombrakez, fombrujez, fombretro)
to solve (léisez) - (léisem, léisorez, léisemaz, léisakez, léisujez, léisetro)
to study (caduviz) - (caduvim, caduvoriz, caduvimaz, caduvakiz, caduvujiz, caduvitro)
to teach (doserez) - (doserem, doserorez, doseremaz, doserakez, doserujez, doseretro)
to touch (tactiz) - (tactim, tactoriz, tactimaz, tactakiz, tactujiz, tactitro)
to turn (convertaz) - (convertam, convertoraz, convertamaz, convertakaz, convertujaz, convertatro)
to walk (ambulaz) - (ambulam, ambuloraz, ambulamaz, ambulakaz, ambulujaz, ambulatro)
to win (viqtoriz) - (viqtorim, viqtororiz, viqtorimaz, viqtorakiz, viqtorujiz, viqtoritro)
to write (sqribez) - (sqribem, sqriborez, sqribemaz, sqribakez, sqribujez, sqribetro)
to whistle (sibilez) - (sibilem, sibilorez, sibilemaz, sibilakez, sibilujez, sibiletro)
to yank (abjiz) - (abjim, abjoriz, abjimaz, abjakiz, abjujiz, abjitro)
to zip (fermuiz) - (fermuim, fermoruiz, fermuimaz, fermuakiz, fermujiz, fermuitro)
to be concerned (curaz) - (curim, curoriz, curamaz, curakaz, curujaz, curatro)
to decide (dercernez) - (dercernem, dercernorez, dercernemaz, dercernakez, dercernujez, derceretro)
to dislike (odistiz) - (odistim, odistoriz, odistimaz, odistakiz, odistujiz, odistitro)
to doubt (dubitaz) - (dubitam, dubitoraz, dubitamaz, dubitakaz, dubitujaz, dubitatro)
to feel (sentirez) - (sentirem, sentirorez, sentiremaz, sentirakez, sentirujez, sentiretro)
to forget (obliviez) - (obliviem, obliviorez, obliviemaz, obliviakez, obliviujez, oblivietro)
to hate (odissez) - (odissem, odissorez, odissemaz, odissakez, odissujez, odissetro)
to hear (auribez) - (auribem, auriborez, auribemaz, auribakez, auribujez, auribetro)
to hope (speraz) - (speram, speroraz, speramaz, sperakaz, sperujaz, speratro)
to impress (entypaz) - (entypam, entyporaz, entypamaz, entypakaz, entypujaz, entypatro)
to know (conocez) - (conocem, conocorez, conocemaz, conocakez, conocujez, conocetro)
to learn (discerez) - (discerem, discerorez, disceremaz, discerakez, discerujez, disceretro)
to like (gustaz) - (gustam, gustoraz, gustamaz, gustakaz, gustujaz, gustatro)
to look (spectez) - (spectem, spectorez, spectemaz, spectakez, spectujez, spectetro)
to love (amaz) - (amam, amoraz, amoramaz, amorakaz, amorujaz, amoratro)
to mend/fix (areglaz) - (areglam, aregloraz, areglamaz, areglakaz, areglujaz, areglatro)
to notice (diz) - (dim, doriz, dimaz, dakiz, dujiz, ditro)
to own (poserez) - (poserem, poserorez, poseremaz, poserakez, poserujez, poseretro)
to perceive (percipez) - (percipem, perciporez, percipemaz, percipakez, percipujez, percipetro)
to realize (sadaz) - (sadam, sadoraz, sadamaz, sadakaz, sadujaz, sadatro)
to recognize (agnosiz) - (agnosim, agnosoriz, agnosimaz, agnosakiz, agnosujiz, agnosatro)
to remember (mementez) - (mementem, mementorez, mementemaz, mementakez, mementujez, mementetro)
to smell (odorez) - (odorem, odororez, odoremaz, odorakez, odorujez, odoretro)
to surprise (oprimendez) - (oprimendem, oprimendorez, oprimendemaz, oprimendakez, oprimendujez, oprimendetro)
to please (placerez) - (placerem, placerorez, placeremaz, placerakez, placerujez, placeretro)
to prefer (praeferez) - (praeferem, praeferorez, praeferemaz, praeferakez, praeferujez, praeferetro)
to promise (promitez) - (promitem, promitorez, promitemaz, promitakez, promitujez, promitetro)
to think (cogitaz) - (cogitam, cogitoram, cogitamaz, cogitakaz, cogitujaz, cogitatro)
to understand (comprendez) - (comprendem, comprendorem, comprendemaz, comprendakez, comprendujez, comprendetro)
That's all you need to know about my hypothetical empire. My next blog will probably be a story blog, so be sure to check it out!
Also, if you want to be in it, comment on this.
I just need to finish the blog I am making and i will put out a PSA that I need competitors