A New Tree Planting Partner
Last updated: Wednesday March 6th, 2024
Update March 2024: We're no longer updating the trees counter continuously on our site. The number will be updated every year or so when we make donations. To date, our donations have resulted in 571,640 trees being planted with Trees for the Future, and 15,079 trees being planted with the Arbor Day Foundation.
We're proud to announce that we are now partnering with Trees for the Future. Their mission is to help people in Africa plant forest gardens. These forest gardens not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also provide valuable food and forest products to the local farmers who maintain them.
You can read about their approach here and see our sponsor page here.
Since Trees for the Future works with local farmers in Africa, they are able to plant trees at a much lower cost than our previous partner, which is why our trees planted suddenly took a big leap.
As always, JetPunk is committed to donating 5% of our revenue to planting trees. Thanks to everyone who uses our site to make this possible.
We donate 5% of revenue to Trees for the Future who promises to use our money to plant trees. Revenue comes from ads. Taking quizzes does not generate money or plant trees. Only viewing/clicking ads does that.
Have a mission statement. If your mission is education, make this site a non-profit and disclose proceeds and expenses accordingly. Or at least "all profits to charity" similar to Paul Newman "Newman's Own Foundation". Give it some thought.
I mean this in every positive way, maybe with a small dose of zest -- a devil's advocate position, to make you think. Go Blue!
The answer is that the counter is an estimate. We give donations on a very irregular basis. Right now, the actual trees donated is way higher than the counter, but there might be times in the future where the counter is ahead of current donations.
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haha just kidding :)
I guess the vast majority of reforestation projects fail (like 80%). I don't know how many of those are scams. I assume QM has done his homework - if there's a successful path to reforestation I'd like to be educated about it. I hope the JP trees have propagated
After watching the Deadliest Roads episode about the Mozambicans illegally deforesting their land, I'm not going to hold my breath about tree-planting in most of Africa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMhtXoG1XjI
It seems to be a continent largely without statewide organized society, or repercussion. There seems to be no common-minded goal to protect resources like trees or public works. I don't think Mali/Guinea/Gambia/Senegal are in much different positions than Mozambique.
I'd love to see forests grow- but 1 $50 tree is more valuable than 50 $1 saplings that never reach maturity, I think.
It feels like a platitude-generating make-work project. I hope I'm wrong
And I hope the larger teamtrees effort is at least mostly successful, or >20-30% successful. I'm kind of reminded of the 90's recycling campaign, which I guess was .. whatever you'd call a scam, corruption, or, I think possibly "vranyo". Seems like that kind of thing should be stomped out in Western countries. I hope tree-planting projects don't fall into the wrong control, and get associated with pessimism/cynicism long-term.
It hurts to see money/resources wasted or siphoned off, when I'm sure there's someone looking with genuine interest for funding for a reforestation project.
I guess it can serve as a reminder for people to look for opportunities to do more volunteer work with their own 2 hands, locally.
2) Go and plant some trees yourself
Maybe since 2018-2019 but im not sure