Sheep vs. People in New Zealand

While sheep still outnumber people 5 to 1, the human population is increasing while the sheep population is falling. In future decades there may be more people in New Zealand than there are sheep.
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Level 87
Aug 20, 2018
If the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it.

If people ever outnumber sheep in New Zealand, the Earth will explode.

Level 77
Oct 9, 2018
70 million in the 80s!!!

Let's see one for Wales now.

Level 74
Oct 9, 2018
Why is it falling though? Too many vegetarians?
Level 70
Oct 9, 2018
Our sheep number is declining because our cow number is increasing. We now export more dairy products than wool
Level 41
Nov 13, 2021
Level 59
Jun 22, 2022
There's a whole kiwi family with a YouTube channel. They have over 200,000 subscribers, too.

They're called:

Your New Zealand Family

Level 72
Apr 1, 2020
? that makes no sense do you mean meateaters?
Level 44
Jul 31, 2020
Both works, too many vegans would mean no need for more sheep
Level 75
Oct 21, 2020
lol you suggest they're eating all the sheep?
Level 59
Nov 18, 2020
Either that or they aren't eating enough sheep for the demand to be there.
Level 67
Oct 9, 2018
Was hoping based on the title for a record of inter-species wrestling matches, but this chart is interesting too.

When I was in New Zealand, our tour guide told us a mind-boggling story about how, upon realizing that China was displacing New Zealand as a primary exporter of wool, the New Zealand government reasoned that dairy farming would be more lucrative than wool farming in the future, and encouraged its farmers (with government subsidies, of course) to make the switch. Lots of farmers did it, and the economy took off.

Can you imagine that in the US? The president telling people to fundamentally change how they earn their livelihoods on his word, and to just trust that he is right? People would cry despotism and raise hell. I'm sure the version of the New Zealand story I got was simplified and probably simplistic, but nothing like it could ever even begin here in the US. We can't even sell Americans on the superiority of $1 coins to $1 bills.

Level 75
Nov 14, 2019
I had no idea the New Zealand human population is so stable. Does anyone know why this may be?
Level 39
Feb 15, 2020
cuz we're boring.
Level ∞
Nov 2, 2020
It's not stable at all. It's growing quickly. It's just that it's hard to see in this graph with all the sheep.
Level 73
Oct 27, 2021
Yeah I found the graph a bit misleading, but I don't see how we can fix it so it's probably best left alone.
Level 39
Feb 15, 2020
we're creeping up on them
Level 62
Jan 6, 2023
At begining of the graph the ratio is about 20:1, at the height of sheep it is 23:1, now it is 5:1.
Level 49
Jul 10, 2024
Sheep are people too