Looking Back at One Billion Takes
First published: Tuesday August 6th, 2024
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Hello, fellow JetPunkers. As I write this, the milestone of 1 billion quiz takes draws closer. I think it is a good time to reflect on our journey to this point, as a community.
My Story
I joined JetPunk during the pandemic when I had nothing to do. It was a fun way to practice my geography knowledge, and I got hooked. I came back in 2021 or so as Honeycomb17. I got a total of about 30 takes. All of those quizzes were awful, I am not going to lie. My current account, as you may know, was created as part of an ecopolitical girl group cult. I took it over after we broke up, and created my terrible quizzes. However, they gradually began to improve over time. Then, in the late summer of 2023, I started to make blogs. Like my early quizzes, these were not very good, but they gradually started to improve in quality. Today, I have over 60 of them, as well as about 12 subscribers. I am successful, as my current blogs are much better than the ones I began with. I recently broke my likes record with 10 likes on a blog about JetPunk’s influence on my life. That was exciting, and I hope to shatter it sometime shortly.
Your Story
Regardless of what your story is, I encourage you to share how you joined this community. Maybe it was during the pandemic, maybe before, maybe after. Maybe you found the Countries of the World Quiz, or it was recommended to you, or you stumbled upon this treasure trove purely by accident. I, as well as many other JetPunkers, would love to hear your story.
A Community Endeavor
This milestone is not just about the dedicated users who visit our site every day. It is about everyone who has taken quizzes on our site, and helped us grow in size. Thanks to everyone, especially Quizmaster and Stewart for making this milestone possible. When the day finally comes, be it sooner or later, we will celebrate. While our site may not be very well-known outside of the community of hardcore nerds, those of us on it can know that JetPunkers can do anything.
Project Intraquiz
Something special I started before this milestone is Project Intraquiz. This project aims to create quizzes about every region on Earth, to boost diversity, coverage, and variety. While not explicitly intended to celebrate 1 billion takes, the timing makes it a convenient user celebration.
JetPunk's Response
I cannot help but wonder what JetPunk’s response to this will be. Maybe they have a blog planned, or maybe just an announcement on the site. Maybe a new feature will be added , or it may just slip by unnoticed. Either way, I hope that everyone on JetPunk can be proud of where we have come. We do not need fireworks and cake to have a sense of achievement.
Sooner or Later?
I am wondering when the exact day will come. I would guess sometime in August, but that could be very off. It could be anywhere from days to weeks to months. The counter seems to have slowed down recently, and I am not sure why. Something may be going on, or I might just be imagining things. Either way, when the day does come, we will be ready.
As this historic milestone draws closer, we are all probably excited. From the top quizmakers to the Level 4 users who joined yesterday, we have all contributed to this. May JetPunk prosper. See you next time.
My early quizzes were kind of obscure, and there are a bunch that are blatant copies of actual featured quizzes, but from late 2021 or so I began actually trying to create better quizzes, ones that people would want to play. My siblings gained an interest in quizmaking too about the same time and things just kind of took off.
To be honest my story is kind of boring but I'm happy I found this website!
Really excited to reach the 1 billion takes milestone (QM better do something about it!) my guess we'll reach it on August 26th :D