Wildfires in Oregon-It is Time to Act
First published: Saturday July 27th, 2024
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The western United States is currently being consumed by fires. These blazes range in size and destructiveness, but one thing is clear-this must stop. I recently became aware of the loss of a historic family building. The house, built by my great-grandfather many years ago, was allegedly destroyed in a wildfire in California. This is upsetting to my family, and I know many people are far worse off than I am.
Origins of Wildfires
The biggest reason for wildfires, in my opinion, is the idiocy of humanity. First, we have escalated global warming. This has drastically changed Earth's temperatures, turning entire forests into kindling. The droughts caused by climate change only add to this problem, but the most infuriating is yet to come-when the fires are set. It is often by accident, when somebody goes camping or sets off fireworks, but this is still infuriating. I am frustrated with the ignorance of safety regulations by my fellow citizens. And there are also fires that are set on purpose. Usually dumb teenagers, these people light forests on fire for fun, or on dares. This is absolutely disgusting.
The Damage
Fires will destroy almost everything in their path-trees, buildings, animals, people...I remember the moment, a few years ago, when I drove through the remote mountains of California. The hills were a sea of burned trees, a barren wasteland. To imagine the vibrant life that existed there before the fires, is just devastating. As I watch the fire maps, hoping I will not have to evacuate, I feel a mix of fear, anger, and hopelessness.
You may think that fires are healthy for the forests. You are right. Natural fires that heal the ecosystems are extremely beneficial. They give way to new life and improve the habitat. However, the same does not hold true for massive blazes that devour swaths of land.
What Can We Do?
As someone passionate about the environment, I often wish there was an easy solution. But there never is. Not for me, at least. I am just a single person with a computer who nobody will listen to. But humanity as a whole can act. Each of us has a voice. Together, we can amplify our wishes. Climate change mitigation must be a priority for our governments. Most of you reading this do not have any political power, I assume, but what we all have is expression. As a species, humankind must decide to stop destroying the planet for profit, while indirectly claiming lives in the process.
I am writing this as I hope that my family and I will be safe. I am scared, but also angry. The world must act upon this. We cannot wait for governments to set their long-term goals that will not accomplish anything. The time to act is now. Not tomorrow, today.
You're right, it's time we actually started caring about the planet we live on before we push it past the point of inhabitiablity and destroy ourselves in the process
Issues as serious as this need a cross-party approach with all sides of governing powers on the same page. Getting that to happen however, is probably the hardest task.
And yes, wildfires are a big problem. Every year, there are so many places where wildfires take place. This is shocking.