Have you ever wondered what the biggest series on JetPunk are? Well, in this blog we'll show you the top 10 series, excluding Quizmaster and other unranked accounts since he has 6 of the top 7 series. To stop the top being dominated by top users, we're going to limit it to one per user maximum. Afterwards, you'll see some other stats about series in general, including some of the largest series!
Top Ten Series
Total Takes: 2,110,117
Total Quizzes: 22
The only user-created quiz series with over 2m takes, and of course it's by number 1 user relessness. Featuring one of the most popular quizzes on JetPunk;
Countries of the World with an Empty Map. The series is somewhat carried by this quiz, with that quiz having 65% of the takes! There are lots of empty map quizzes though, and relessness deserves the accolade for coming up with the idea originally.
Total Takes: 1,090,640
Total Quizzes: 42
In second, we get my top series. Featuring two quizzes with lots of takes (one of which was the
top new quiz of 2020), this series has been a staple for me, and is one that many users have come to know me by. It only recently reached 1m takes, becoming only the 2nd user series to do so (again, ignoring Quizmaster's series).
Total Takes: 1,041,020
Total Quizzes: 113
Another very popular quiz type on JetPunk, this time the "Top 5 by Continent" theme, created by Quizzer6794. The impressive feat here is the range of takes, and the consistency among the quizzes in the series. Only 1 quiz has over 100k, with "just" 114k takes, but yet this means the takes are well distributed among the quizzes, showing this series is well-liked beyond just one quiz.
Total Takes: 934,871
Total Quizzes: 181
One of the larger series on this list, these quizzes have become ones which Jerry is known for. Similar to Quizzer above, the takes for this one are very well distributed, with no quiz having over 85k takes (as of time of writing). This is impressive to say the least, especially for a series as old as this one, having been started all the way back in 2014!
Total Takes: 736,541
Total Quizzes: 158
If you've been on JetPunk between July 2nd 2020 and January 15th 2021, you'll surely be familiar with the Country Quizzes which were featured on the front page, one a day, every day, for 198 days. Many of these were originally created by Aaron, even before they were being featured, and so when Quizmaster decided to feature one for every country, Aaron's takes rose to the skies!
Total Takes: 535,150
Total Quizzes: 56
A mysteriously named quiz for an iconic user. Kal is known to almost all JetPunkers for his immense contributions to JetPunk comment sections, as well as for his weird and wonderful quizzes. This series garnered so many takes largely due to Kal's top quiz,
Digits of Pi, which happens to be a very old quiz on JetPunk, gaining hundreds of takes a week.
Total Takes: 506,487
Total Quizzes: 35
Much like Aaron above, alberici was a user who rounded out the Country Quizzes, and in fact created many of the original non-Quizmaster featured ones. Many of these date back to 2014, showing just how long alberici has been on JetPunk. He also worked tirelessly last year to translate almost the entire Country Quizzes series into German, which has allowed the German front page to also have one country quiz per day since July 2nd 2020.
Total Takes: 431,436
Total Quizzes: 23
This quickly-rising series is the equivalent of "Countries Starting with...", but in Polish. Miki has actually been around a few years, but these quizzes were only featured in April last year during the efforts to make Polish a featured language on JetPunk. This series is one of the most consistent on JetPunk, with little deviation between the top taken and least taken quiz.
Total Takes: 359,247
Total Quizzes: 23
One of the only series here with all of its quizzes being featured, WolfCam created these quizzes originally when the Picture Quiz format was released in 2018, being a History buff himself, and they quickly became popular even before Quizmaster featured them. They have continued to thrive even years later and I'm sure will do so long into the future.
Total Takes: 332,884
Total Quizzes: 34
And finally in tenth, we have the master of puzzles on JetPunk: kiwirage. Whilst this particular series is not puzzle based, kiwirage has repeatedly broken the boundaries of puzzles considered possible on JetPunk, they're also a veteran on JetPunk, having joined over 6 years ago. This specific series happens to be a popular one thanks to its easy to understand, and enjoyable concept.
Other Notable Series
With over 6,500 series on JetPunk, there are far more than just these 10. In fact, there are 3 series which have over 1,000 quizzes in them! These are:
It's clear there's a common theme here... These quizzes are not necessarily mega-popular, but they gradually accrue takes from people searching their favourite actors or artists on JetPunk. They are a testament to the dedication some users have given to JetPunk for many many years.
Some other facts about series:
- Only about 34% of quizzes are in series
- That number jumps up to a massive 60% when accounting for only featured quizzes
- On average there are 12 quizzes per series
- Quizzes within series account for 35% of all quiz takes
- There exists only 17 series which have 0 takes
I hope you enjoyed this little blog! I was curious about series stats, and ended up putting my findings into a blog :)
Bonus: Top Series Without Features
As a side-bonus, as requested by rg1227 below, here are the top 3 series which have no featured quizzes in at all!
Total Takes: 163,264
Total Quizzes: 26
Total Takes: 73,566
Total Quizzes: 498
Total Takes: 69,248
Total Quizzes: 27
As you can see, quite the range of selection! There should be particular note given to Fouquets, who has one of the longest running series on JetPunk, that of Culture Générale in French, with 2366 quizzes and counting - yes you read that right, over 2 thousand quizzes! This more-than-daily series spanning over 3.5 years is one of the most dedicated achievements of any JetPunker.
Fouquets series is just incredible. Since I started JetPunk, there are Culture Générale which are published regularly in recent quizzes section. I can't imagine how he can find answers yet, through years.
Very interesting and instructive blog!