Top JetPunk User Blogs
Last updated: Saturday January 18th, 2020
It came to my attention, via a user named rg1227, that it may be of interest to see which blogs have been read the most. Since working on JetPunk over summer, I was given access to the Google Analytics for JetPunk, which allows me to see basic statistics of the site, including page views and how long people spend on the page on average. I thought it might be nice to share the top performing user blogs in those two categories, to give people a sense of what works and what doesn't.
Technical Details:
For this list, I will only be considering non-featured blogs, meaning any blog I've written regarding features I added to the site over summer are not included, as well as CringeDragon's fantastic blog explaining the difference between "city proper", "urban" and "metro" areas for populations of cities, being the only other user to get a featured blog. I'd recommend checking that blog out:
All other user blogs are considered, and their unique page views from July 1st to November 30th will be included. You may argue this favors older blogs, but since they are further down, or have perhaps even dropped off the Recent User Blogs page, I don't see this as much of an issue.
Finally, I won't be revealing actual figures, however I will provide some relative figures, as well as the top performing blogs themselves of course.
Top Viewed Blogs:
- Top 10 Most Controversial Countries on JetPunk
- The First Day in the Life of a JetPunker (#1)
by Malkiboy
- Join JetPunk Discord Channel
by UG332
- Resources and Links
by Pinoccio
- The Difference Between Europe and the EU and More
by Gassu
These are all fantastic blogs, and worthy champions in terms of unique views. Personally, I like the "Life of a JetPunker" play/script by Malkiboy, I find this series particularly entertaining as well as very imaginative.
For some relative stats, the top performing blog had 50% more views than the blog in 5th place. Do what you wish with that little factoid.
Longest Viewed Blogs:
To add a little clarity to this list, these blogs are the ones with significant enough views (as to have a large enough sample) that have the longest average "time on page", this should correlate with users spending the time to read the blog post in full, I hope. Again, featured blogs are excluded. (Although the top blog would still be first if they were included!).
- Gassu's Interesting Facts
by Gassu
Life of a JetPunker - (1st) Halloween Special (#3)
by Malkiboy
- Life of a JetPunker - School Counsellor (#4)
by Malkiboy
- Top 10 Most Controversial Countries on JetPunk
- The Difference Between Europe and the EU and More
by Gassu
These results are interesting, especially when you learn that #1 has a fair lead ahead of the rest, and the other 4 are fairly close together. It is good to see people are taking the time to read these lengthy blogs though, as this should encourage others to write and devise longer blogs that are packed full of information and interest. Also well done to Malkiboy and Gassu for both achieving two blogs on this list, it is clear they are well written pieces.
Overall, it's clear that user blogs aren't as big as quizzes are, but there is certainly a trend that better blogs will get more views and a longer attention span reading them. Without any indication of how blogs perform (unlike takes for quizzes), I thought it was appropriate to share this information with everyone.