My Favorite Quizzes from JetPunkers
Last updated: Friday April 9th, 2021
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Here are my Favourite Quizzes from JetPunkers:
NOTE: This list doesn't include Featured Quizzes.
NeilVedwan: Oblasts of Ukraine (With a Map)
Pandora49: Countries of Europe in 1890 - Map Quiz
ThatOneGuy25: Fill In A Borderless US Map
ProximaCentauri: Modern-Day Countries of the Safavid Empire on a map
Jetpunker180: 20 Biggest Muslim cities on map
GrandOldMan: Non-Rectangular Flags #1
MG17: Presidents of Brazil
SirPhilippines: The Country Law
BigGeographyGuy: A Quick History Quiz
Nazgul: This Quiz is Easy as Pi!
QuizBoy786: Countries That End In N By Flag Maps.
Quizzer218232: Countries With The Most Internet Users
turnbacktwo: Lucky letter elimination 1
KingEureka: Biggest Cities in The Roman Empire on a Map
GeoSmartKirbyXD: Dialects of England on a Map
KoljiVriVoda: Countries Bordering Baltic Sea - Map Quiz
Dekkie: Modern-Day Countries of the Abbasid Caliphate with a Map
Iluvbread123: All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by the Seljuks
Stewart: Countries in Random Hexagons of the World Map
CringeDragon: Biggest Cities in the Fertile Crescent on a Map
ClutchNferno: Hand-Drawn Map of Europe
baptistegorce: Country Flags with a Rubik's Cube #1
ThatOnePunk: U.S. States and Territories in 1800 on a Map
Aaron197: Region Flag-Shape Picture Quiz #2
Jiaozira: States and Territories of Malaysia (With Map)
IAB: Portugal Map Quiz
WolfCam: Countries that France has Gone to War Against
HinesBrothers: 20 Upside-Down Countries on the World Map
Akula: Historical Provinces of Ireland Map Quiz
LBA: United Kingdom Overseas Territories
HelveticaBold: Countries Picture Puzzle Quiz
Gassu: Polish Voivodeships with an Empty Map
Macaco: European Languages That Don't Use the Roman Alphabet
dug28: Animals by Range on a World Map
BolyaiAnna: Random Point on Land to European Country
Devvik2: Capitals on the Mediterranean Sea
youtubeplayer: Colourful Countries of the World quiz
ChineseChen: All 3M Cities by First Two Letters on a Map
Jato3: Random China Map Quiz
GeoPhilia: Name a Valid European City
OskarRB: Sequential US State Shapes
Pinoccio: Federal Subjects of Russia Map Quiz
NiobiumVoid: Biggest Cities in Hungary on a Map
Elboy: Normandy D-Day Beaches - Map Quiz
nichster: Regions of France By Borders In One Minute
Nathaniel: Find the Wrong Flag
zoedad: US Sandwich States
Geoguy: Bodies of Water A-Z
ducklingpanda1245: Stars on a Map
Lucknowite: Largest Countries Bordering a Random Country
FelixStar1965: 35 questions about European Geography.
sar7: European Countries by Last Letter(with a map)
WashingMachine: Animals A-Z (Hard)
AbbyLW10IsBanned: 15 Most Populous Cities in Pakistan
cathlete: US Catholic Dioceses Map Quiz
Ethaboo444: Municipalities of Rhode Island on a Map
PS: I think the username should be Macaco, and not Macao ;)
Search Macao in JetPunk... oh nvm, your right
Edit: Done!
And thanks for mentionning me!
Edit: Finished!
Edit: Done!
I didnt expect too many people there xD