Pakistani Subdivision Flags Ranked Best to Würst
Last updated: Wednesday April 7th, 2021
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In this blog I ranked the Pakistani Subdivision Flags from Best to Würst.
1. Sindh
This is a great flag, the only thing that bothers my is that the text is inside the moon.
2. Balochistan
Pretty Great flag but still lower than Sindh.
3. Punjab
I don't know what to say about this flag other than it's good.
4. Islamabad Capital Territory
The Black doesn't make it that cool, at least they put Crescent and Star big.
5. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
This Flag is fine but can someone tell me what's that line in the middle of the circle? Is that a river? A mountain? If that's a mountain then why did they put a castle on the mountain?
6. Azad Kashmir
If only the orange on this flag didn't exist it could've been higher.
7. Gilgit-Baltistan
Can someone tell me why it is dark? Also, the symbols don't go together well though.
Or is here...?
The Italian Flags are ust being difficult to rank. I'm changing many things there. I just know that Lombardy is the first, and Veneto and Sicily are the last two.
But fine blog anyway
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