Interesting Quotes by JetPunk Users
Last updated: Tuesday June 11th, 2024
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User Quotes
1 "A long quote is fine. A brief quote is good. The best quote is meaningful silence. But the quote people want to read is funny."
2 "The truth is that when life closes a door, my finger is right there."
3 "I'm Nazgul."
4 "Humans are more dependant on the supermarket than they are on each other."
5 "Don't Google anything that someone under the age of 20 tells you to Google."
6 "Sorry that there's a lot of quotes by me on this one page, I have to have a minimum character count to publish the blog."
7 "Please like and subscribe, and hit that bell!"
—Every YouTuber ever
8 "Any philosopher's wisdom pales in comparison to the truth of quote five."
9 "I take pride in my humility."
10 "The most disturbing thing to read in Braille is 'Do not touch'."
11 "Why do you think 9/10 dentists agree? It's because they know what happens to the 10th dentists. What else do they make all the toothpaste from?"
12 "Most people will prefer a 4.1 star restaurant with 2k reviews than a 5 star restaurant with 50 reviews just because more people rated the first one. Change my mind."
13 "The minute they got rid of rotary phones, everything went to hell."
—Jay Pritchett, from the televesion show "Modern Family"
14 "You know what they say, 'When you take a picture of a wheat field, it will always turn out grainy.'"
15 "When the drip is dripping the cookie is cooking."
16 "York, New?"
17 "What's the name of that ogre from Shrek?"
18 "'If I were a bank robber, heck, I wouldn't rob banks. I'd rob senior centers. Grandmas are filthy rich.'
—totally not me"
19 "The only thing easier to rob than a senior center is a vegetable stand."
20 "Trying is the first step towards failure."
—Homer Simpson
21 "(he was a Nazi)"
22 - A comment thread chunk from Interesting Quotes - Page 22
It begins:
Feb. 15, 2023—comment by JohnnyYeet: "'I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way So [sic] I stole someone's bike and asked God for forgiveness.' - George Washington, probably"
Feb. 18, 2023—reply to JohnnyYeet's comment, written by Neodymium: "I also asked god to give me the power of prophecy to learn of the future invention of the bike. - George Washington, probably [sic]"
May 6, 2023—reply to JohnnyYeet's comment, written by unimp0rtant: "'I asked God to punish the person who stole my bike, and gave him a double thumbs up.' -George Washington's neighbour whose bike was stolen"
Jul. 9, 2023—reply to unimp0rtant's reply, written by McKenzieFam: "Someone asked me for a bike, then took matters into his own hands and stole a bike before asking me for forgiveness. Then the guy who had his bike stolen asked me to punish the first guy. A third person asked me for prophecy because the bike hadn't even been invented. All claimed to be the same guy. So I forgave them all before punishing everyone too. -God"
Sep. 22, 2023—reply to McKenzieFam's reply, written by kartaj: "I asked God to punish the person who asked for the power of the phrophecy so i could learn about the future invention of the bike, create one for my neighbour, then steal it without him knowing. - George Washington"
Oct. 13, 2023—reply to McKenzieFam's reply, written by unimp0rtant: "'I ran over George Washington with a bike.' -God's neighbour"
23 "There is no 'broccoli' in 'calculator'"
24 "There is no difference, at this point in time, between a pessimist, a nihilist, and a realist. Which is exactly something a pessimist and a nihilist (like me) would say."
25 "Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, Springfield, and Springfield are all in different states."
24 “A bird in the hand is worth about one third of a bird not in a figure of speech.”
25 “CGI is the thief of imagination.”
26 "Aristotle does have a point. I have about 20 teeth and 0 women."
27 "Monopolies aren't good, but they sure are convenient."
28 "So all of history so far is just a period?!
29 "'Has Jim been in an inn in Indiana?' - me. At the very least, it's fun to say."
30 "There is a disturbance in follicle 42A."
—Fianchetto's friend as he reaches over to pick a piece of food or dandruff or something out of Fianchetto's other friend's hair
31 "I fear no retribution! Unless said retribution includes intense pain and suffering."
32 "Who is this?"
—Jerry Seinfeld
33 "A lot of people say that if you dig long enough and hard enough you will get to China, and that may be true, but what they don't tell you is that if you dig long enough and hard enough in a conversation, you get to a friend."
—Michael Scott
34 "I thought Arabic was the most commonly spoken language in Sweden."
35 "Why won’t you people just let this movie franchise die?!!"
36 - Those Were The Facts (parody of Those Were The Days), written by unimp0rtant on Interesting Facts - Page 193
"Boy, the way that DawnX schemed
plans that made Australians beam
Users like us made up memes
Those were the days
Didn't need no textbook stuff
Int'resting facts went so tough
Wikipedia was enough
Those were the days
And we would correct things when
facts were wrong and spelling bent
Mister we could use a man like Neodymium again
People seemed to want content
Half an hour was well-spent
facts were always gladly lent
Those were the days
Take a little school day surf
Log on to your favorite turf
Learn a few things and post a
stupid fact about a serf
Quotes were short but facts weren't long
'Adolf Hitler smoked a bong'
'Certain pianos have prongs'
Those were the days!!!"
37 "I guess this is my life now."
38 “Imagine your whole family and friends dying because it’s cloudy in another city.”
39 “What goes up, uhh… stays in Vegas.”
—Gumball Watterson
40 “There's a word for when everyone in a country is getting drunk just to get through the day. That word is 'Russia'.”
—Bill Maher
"I take pride in my humility"
(based off the "Shoot twice and go home" Swiss version)
-Confused User on Interesting Quotes 6
"A gun is a kind of metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other."
-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
your quote
-Coolcaden26 (Me)
- vfjkgvrvirvnrivn
By me
- Arp2600
- George Washington, probably”
- JohnnyYeet
-totally not me”
-- Homer Simpson
- Mrmojo26, on Interesting Quotes - Page 6
"Luckily for the world, I’m a fool full of doubts."
- Insaniot
"My baked-from-scratch apple pie turned out good."
- Baxtergrad
"Argh! -Me"
- ImFriendly
"There is no 'broccoli' in 'calculator'"
- TheNatureThread
"My only worry is that people in the future will quote me on things I never said."
-Genghis Khan
- TheNatureThread
Monopolies aren't good, but they sure are convenient.
- McKenzieFam
That damn Carl Sagan.
Pink is the best color of the alphabet.
good to know people still use this website.
- me
At the very least, it's fun to say.
- my friend as he reaches over to pick a piece of food or dandruff or something out of my other friend's hair.
-TheNatureThread, 26 times on discord
I do not, respectfully, formally, moderator fearlingly, agree with the action of that person, though I agree that that person does own the site and can do what that person wants. Disagreement with the political system may be a right granted by the country that person is native to yet ofcourse, that person can do whatever they wish on their site. Even though, in some opinions, not mine, that person does have a lot of political opinions on this site, that person is still in their right to moderate as they wish, even if the opinion offered by the owner of the blog i am writing in was the most brainfull opinion, like the e****** c****ge is h*rr*ble (which may or may not be my opinion). I may or maynt think this one of highest miscarrages o justice in this site, tho it is that person’s final say we must submit to. And I may/mayn’t say theres a link on this site t’contact stewart + kalwas actuallystupi
I am honored.
1) I deleted Dawn's comment on my quiz and the changelog, not Dan. The changelog (and similarly my quizzes) are not a place to beg for the unbanning of other members.
2) This site is owned entierly by QM. I am not affiliated with it, and do not get involved with English or users. I help with the development / coding and also manage the non-English side of JetPunk.
3) QM has several other responsibilities besides JetPunk. He solely moderates all quizzes and comments, and this means he can't spend hours weighing the pros/cons of particular users.
4) Comments from an entirely user are almost never "deleted", but when a user is hidden all their comments from quizzes/blogs they don't own is hidden.
5) QM is a human being and his views on how to run JetPunk evolve over time. Comments he made 3 years ago may not be indicative of current outlook.
Overall, what I am saying, is have sympathy for the person who has kept JetPunk online, free and largely un-corporatized for 16 years now. He is a human being, and has thousands of users to maintain and moderate. If hiding a single one makes it easier to moderate the site, then sorry, but you're not more important than anybody else.
And lastly, remember that QM could easily take JetPunk offline entirely if it becomes unsustainable to fund. Especially if moderation becomes a problem or flame wars ensue widespread. And that's just the worst case scenario for everybody.
Please don't forget, I have a full-time job irl, I do JetPunk in my spare time, I haven't had a free weekend since 2023 and have currently been quite ill with flu for 2 weeks.
Remember when I said about being inconsiderate? That applies to everybody not just towards QM.
If there's anything we can do to keep the site going, just tell us!
About these server hosting problems, could jetpunk host in a different, cheaper country? Would that help solve them? as for those numbers i made em up to explain the problem
(and as for my part in all of this I shall try to have no part, never saw any of the offending comments)
How many advertisments more would have to be shown to indian users specifically to solve the problem?
i dont know anything about hosting but is it possible to have multiple hosts?
QM: Probably just someone arguing about Cyprus again...
QM: No, I will not add Palestine to the COTW
QM: Glad you like the DTC, we removed the leaderboard because of cheaters
QM: Ah, now that must be those interesting facts guys again