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# of Blogs | 11 |
# Subscribers | 4 |
An irregularly published series of somewhat obscure and sometimes shocking things of history, science, humanity and other things. Based on the findings of historians, archaeologists, scientist, occultists and random people who decided to document their experiences and knowledge. The information comes from books, paintings, statues and the internet. Some claims may be seen as outrageous.
An irregularly published series of somewhat obscure and sometimes shocking things of history, science, humanity and other things. Based on the findings of historians, archaeologists, scientist, occultists and random people who decided to document their experiences and knowledge. The information comes from books, paintings, statues and the internet. Some claims may be seen as outrageous.
An irregularly published series of somewhat obscure and sometimes shocking things of history, science, humanity and other things. Based on the findings of historians, archaeologists, scientist, occultists and random people who decided to document their experiences and knowledge. The information comes from books, paintings, statues and the internet. Some claims may be seen as outrageous.
An irregularly published series of somewhat obscure and sometimes shocking things of history, science, humanity and other things. Based on the findings of historians, archaeologists, scientist, occultists and random people who decided to document their experiences and knowledge. The information comes from books, paintings, statues and the internet. Some claims may be seen as outrageous.
Stupid-O-groovE : a series of confusing things and occasional humor for everyone, but especially no one. New episode sometime in 2021, if people so wish.
Stupid-O-groovE : a series of confusing things and occasional humor for everyone, but especially no one. New episode each week for the rest of 2020 (maybe).
Stupid-O-groovE : a series of confusing things and occasional humor for everyone, but especially no one. New episode each week for the rest of 2020 (maybe).
Stupid-O-groovE : a series of confusing things and occasional humor for everyone, but especially no one. New episode each week for the rest of 2020 (maybe).
Stupid-O-groovE : a series of confusing things and occasional humor for everyone, but especially no one. New episode each week for the rest of 2020 (maybe).
Stupid-O-groovE : a series of confusing things and occasional humor for everyone, but especially no one. New episode each week for the rest of 2020 (maybe).
Stupid-O-groovE : a series of confusing things and occasional humor for everyone, but especially no one. New episode each week for the rest of 2020 (maybe).
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